Good kennels are filled with individuals who are real professionals, and who care for all pets. Their objective is to give the proper pet care for the dogs and cats they watch over. Nevertheless, it is important to carefully check out the certifications of any kennel where we may be leaving our favorite dog or cat for any duration.
In 1977 a group of dedicated kennel owners founded what’s named the ABKA, or American Boarding Kennel Association to aim at developing the highest quality standards for pet care. Today its membership is nearly sixteen hundred kennels in North America.
While deciding on a place for your dog or cat, it would be a good start to see if they are a member currently of this Group.
Your pet vet is a great source of advice on what might be a good kennel that is good for your cat or dog.
Another tip in selecting a kennel is to ask for some references from previous customers. A recommendation from a satisfied client can be one of your best guarantees of fine care and service.
However, without a doubt the main thing for you to do is drop by and observe the kennel for yourself, to see firsthand what they’re like.
Some important observations include:
Are rest and exercise areas reasonably isolated from other animals?
For cats, is the kennel enclosed for their safety?
What are their regulations for immunizations and parasites?
Is it a secure area that would prevent your dog or cat from wandering away and looking for you?
How do they handle problems?
Is there adequate ventilation, good climate control, plenty of light, and a quality environment?
What are the provisions for adequate food and fresh drinking water?
Does the conduct and appearance of the personnel satisfy you?
Does the kennel area smell and look clean and fresh?
It’s good to keep in mind that some kennels may reduce contact with the area the pets are located. This can be to ease the stress for any of the animals who may react aggressively to visitors. Nevertheless, there should be a viewing port or window for visitors to check the conditions available for their pets. Keep in mind features like all the dogs having enough room to run in. Or that cats have enough room to relax and feel far enough from all other cats.
Always feel free to ask questions about procedures in an emergency. A kennel with high standards will be ready to answer any questions that you may have. They’ll also be able to provide a written contract that explains what their responsibilities and your rights are. This should clarify any misunderstandings.
Qualified oversight on the part of adequately trained staff is also very important. They should be trained to look for any signs of discomfort, or unusual behavior, and act upon it immediately.
Ultimately it will be up to you to evaluate all these factors, and to decide if sufficiently high standards are met. If so, then boarding your pet will doubtless be a very useful service to you and your dog or cat.